Latest BDL News

When scientists are able to communicate effectively beyond their peers to broader, non-scientific audiences, it builds support for science, promotes understanding of its wider relevance to society, and encourages more informed decision-making at all levels, from government to communities to individuals.


CTV News Feature
(September 2015)

Sophia Van Hees speaks to CTV news about their latest brain research using the game of Scrabble

Calgary Herald Article

September 29, 2015)

Sophia Van Hees says the unique smarts of elite Scrabble players may help victims of brain injury

CBC News Article

(September 2015)

Sophia Van Hees’s Scrabble Research could lead to advances in brain rehabilitation - read more.

CTV News Feature
(March 1, 2013)

Andrea Protzner talks to CTV news about the lab’s project that aims to map the brain to help treat depression